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Austrian Earthquake

**Recent Earthquakes in Austria Raise Concerns** According to the Austrian Seismological Service, Austria has experienced several earthquakes in the past 14 days. In the last 24 hours, no earthquakes with magnitudes of 1.5 or greater have been recorded. However, there have been 11 small quakes ranging in magnitude from 1.0 to 1.8 in or near Austria within the same timeframe. The largest earthquake in or near Austria today occurred approximately 24 hours ago. No injuries or damage have been reported from any of the recent tremors. Austria is located in a relatively seismically active region, and minor earthquakes are common. However, the frequency of the recent quakes has raised concerns among residents and authorities. Scientists are monitoring the situation closely to determine if there is any increased risk of larger earthquakes in the near future. In the meantime, residents are advised to remain calm and follow safety guidelines in the event of an earthquake. These include taking cover under a sturdy table or desk, staying away from windows and outside walls, and being prepared to evacuate if necessary.
